Ujino Muneteru at Deitch Projects
Piano Staircase
Atom @ STRP Festival
Yokomono Installation
The Middle Eight – Geelong Gallery
Tape – An Analogue Sound Installation
Sound Chaser
Ken Butler Instruments
Ouverture pour un jour de fête
Serenade Kinetic Sculpture
Other Side, Break – Cléa Coudsi and Eric Herbin
Magnetic Accelerator Kit — ZING!
Steam-powered kinetic sculpture made of glass
Magnext iCoaster with cool magnet-based tricks
Christopher Palmer’s kinetic sculptures include Breathalyzer Genie and Breathing Trouble.
A Little Breathing Room 2007 At The Exploratorium
Kinetic art Dream Learner Fascine (Didier Legros)
Kinetica: London’s Museum of Kinetic Art
Kinetic Art Motorized Ball Machine Sculptures by Bruce Gray